Vision & Philosophy

  • Our Vision

    At SLOKA, every child should learn to lead meaningful purpose-driven lives as a competitive yet humane participant in the emerging Global Environment who has the potential to make their world and that of others a better place to live in.
  • Our Mission

    “SLOKA” respects the freedom of a child to love life and love learning. In our endeavour to churn out the best final product, we strongly advocate the freedom to stretch the wings and soar high. Where the mind is free, has no fear or burden of learning, then it shall mature into a true intellectual. The team of “SLOKA” assists the children to become independent and self-sufficient adults who can lead and also give others a quality life.
  • School Motto

    The Motto “everything in education and beyond” signifies the fragrance of learning to spread around and would linger on. “The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an emphatic long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static & safe mediocrity.” Education in every aspect is the greatest tool one should receive in full measure for the success of one’s own self to be a good citizen and for their life beyond school.
  • School Logo



    The logo is derived from the ‘Dharma Wheel’ and ‘The Noble Eightfold Path of Buddha’. The school logo symbolically represents the Slokite vision where the eight rights are as follows:
    Right Understanding

    Right understanding is the clear knowledge of the truth of learning. Greater the understanding, greater the achievement.

    Right Thoughts

    With clear knowledge, clear thinking follows suit. Thoughts mould a person’s nature and direct their course and direction of action. Wholesome thoughts will nurture and modify a person’s character over time.

    Right Speech

    Much thought is internal speech; The verbal processes of the mind. Right speech means using communication as a way to further our understanding of ourselves and others and as a way to develop insight.

    Right Action

    Right thinking plus right action equals right results. The great aim of education with a positive action yields success.

    Right livelihood

    You can create an honourable livelihood, where you take your skills, use them and you earn a living from them, it gives you a sense of freedom and allows you to balance your life the way you want.

    Right effort

    Continuous effort is the key to unlock our potential. The constant effort releases its reward at the right time.

    Right Mindfulness

    Our life is shaped by our mind. We become what we think. Mindfulness means paying attention in the present moment for a purpose.

    Right concentration

    Concentration and focus are the essential qualities for success in Life. We need to stay focussed on the mission which is the secret strength.

  • Our Philosophy

    Our philosophy has been in view of holistic curriculum for students. It’s a research & application-based curriculum that develops our students as independent and lifelong learner. Sloka has set expectations from all the students as follows to achieve their goal.

    1. To give opportunity for every student to explore their interest in various fields.
    2. To build a community of leaders, over a foundation of shared beliefs, values and ethos.
    3. To enrich the feeling of universal brotherhood, pride in our ancient heritage and culture while embracing scientific temper.
    4. To impart self-improvement programs in making students develop self-esteem and self-confidence.
    5. To impart not only academic education to children but also to build integrity into their personalities by developing in them strong character, love for truth, respect, loyalty, a sense of justice and work ethics.
    6. To developing leadership skills rooted in kindness and justice, practised individually and collectively in various leadership positions of consequence in the school
    7. To instill in students an appreciation of the outdoors and an awareness of the natural environment and the need to conserve it as guardians of our collective future
    8. To sensitizing children to appreciate the richness of the spiritual and cultural experiences of life
    9. Every child is genius, and every child has its own learning style and the students can be exposed to learn and present in their style which they are best.
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