Management Message

  • Message from Managing Director

    Sloka International School has honed and finetuned a learning and life-skilling system that has been envied and benchmarked.

    An investment made in Sloka International School education pays many dividends through life. Irrespective of the child’s background or caliber, he is groomed and nurtured in a way that he can stride into the adult world, confidently, responsibly, and independently. No institution of repute and quality can afford to sit on its laurels. So, a decisive shift is being engineered that will help the students to gain a global education and reputation.

    In the next five years, therefore, the focus will be on academic excellence. This will help students get into the finest higher education in India and around the world. Initiatives are also being put in place that will allow students to fit into a rapidly changing adult world. At the same time, the school’s big strength — pedagogy balanced with pastoral care — will be supported in equal measure to enhance the school’s standing as the Best School in India.

  • Message from Chairman

    As a premier educational institution, we are known for creating our benchmarks and elevating ourselves to higher planes. This practice has made our group schools, the centers of excellence. However, learning, evolving and effort will never cease.

    Education all over the world is undergoing a radical shift. Knowledge is no longer constrained by time and space. It has expanded beyond the classrooms and school campuses. Hence, continuous mentoring, monitoring, and evaluation of the learning environment to provide the required intellectual stimulation to the young minds is our main criteria. In today’s world, how much you know does not matter, application of the acquired knowledge is more important. This is where excellence in present-day education lies.

    SLOKA aims at grooming the students into ethical and principled leaders of tomorrow, whose thoughts and actions are deeply embedded in the values and culture of our land.

    I invite you to navigate through our ‘online school’ to help you understand lucidly why our school provides the best environment for your little ones and young adults.